Hollywood Insider Reveals How to Break into Hollywood with iPhone Filmmaking & Make Money!

By Outlaw Filmmakers | Nov 04, 2024

Will Roberts teaches Hollywood-style filmmaking with an iPhone! His 5 beginner filmmakers are now making $1K monthly from short films. His masterclass will teach you to make movies & money with your iPhone.

🔥 e-Book - Unleash Your Hollywood Creativity with Just an iPhone - CLICK TO BUY https://www.makemoviesmakemoney.com/

📧 One-on-one coaching available: will@actorwillroberts.com

🎥 filmmaker resource page: https: http://www.opprimetv.co

🎬 video-on-demand platform for award-winning independent films: http://www.opprime.tv


0:00 Hollywood with iPhone

0:25 Filmmakers iPhone Success

0:56 Will Roberts Hollywood Insider

1:16 Filmmaking System Overview

1:38 Topics to Cover

2:39 iPhone Video Capabilities

3:28 Optimize iPhone Video Settings

4:18 iPhone Record Video

4:38 iPhone 4K 24FPS

5:10 iPhone PAL Format

5:27 iPhone PAL Setting USA

5:31 iPhone Enhanced Stabilization

5:58 iPhone HDR Video

6:27 iPhone Lock Camera

7:40 iPhone Lock White Balance

8:31 iPhone Slow Motion Recording

9:19 iPhone File Formats

9:57 iPhone Stereo Sound

10:41 Composition Grid Level

11:10 Wipe the iPhone Lens

11:28 Best iPhone Lens

12:05 iPhone 1x or Wide Lens

12:39 iPhone Zooming Cropping

13:20 iPhone Video Options

14:21 iPhone Exposure

15:54 iPhone Exposure Compensation

16:41 iPhone Resolution Frame Rate

17:19 iPhone Pro Res Log

17:32 iPhone Action Mode

17:46 iPhone Macro Mode